Gift Conundrum

My husband’s birthday was last week. I did not buy him a present. Wondering how I could be so heartless? Well, here’s an explanation for my seemingly callous action. We set up a gift budget at the beginning of the year and decided not to give each other Christmas gifts. I assumed this rule applied to our birthdays. I was wrong.

I saved a few bucks by failing to buy my husband a birthday gift, BUT I did not strengthen our marriage with this choice! I just wanted to point out that saving money is important, BUT so are relationships! 🙂 Has anyone else made an epic mistake like this? I’d love to hear about it.

*my husband was not mad at me for not getting him a gift. he’s amazing like that*


A Couple Of Girls I Met On a Service Trip

How does giving fit into saving?  This is a difficult question to answer.  I am definitely not an expert.  I DO know that there are many families in the world who have no money to save or budget.  They do not even have food, water or much of a future.  This breaks my heart.

I have visited poverty-stricken people in Brazil, Turkey and Vietnam on service trips.  The conditions they live in SPUR me to give.  Their stories cause me to think twice before purchasing frivolous items.  I have been forced to wonder why I am so blessed.   Thus, I am compelled to give.

Did you know you could change a family’s future by giving 2 chickens for $25?  You could also give the gift of clean water for the same price. This astounds me.

I am impelled to help poverty-stricken people due to my experiences. You may not feel the same way. I do urge you to think about giving to an organization you believe in. This could be your church, The Salvation Army, and etc.  HERE are 12 great giving quotes from a blog written by someone who really knows how to save!

Uses for Old Cardstock Paper

Once upon a time, I was a scrapbooker. Then snapfish was invented. My scrapbooks did not compare to the digital type. They also took WAY too much time. Thus, I have a lot of card-stock paper left. Here’s what I’m doing with it.

1) Gift Tags

To make this type of tag, simply out line half of a Christmas tree on a folded piece of cardstock. Cut it out. Attach it to another piece of cardstock. Label it and your done!

I love putting people’s first initial on their gift tag. It really personalizes the gift!

2) Thank You Notes


I love making these cards. It utilizes a bit of creativity and saves a lot of money! Have you checked out the thank you card prices at Target lately? $4-6 per 12 pack. That’s 33 to 50 cents per card. I’ll stick to my homemade ones, unless I have to write an exorbitant amount of thank-you notes!

3) Love Notes
Sometimes I’ll surprise my hubby with a cute note in his lunch (or etc). My handwriting looks way better on pretty paper!

Did you know you can also make your own envelopes? Go HERE.

What do you do with your left-over cardstock?

Homemade Coaster

Wondering what to do with left-over fabric from your last sewing project?  Here is an easy  project!  I love these coasters.  My mother-in-law gave them to me and I use them all the time.  Here’s why:

1) My oversize coffee cups fit on them nicely.  (Other coasters are too small and cause my cup to tip if I don’t set it on them correctly).

2) They add a splash  of color to my decor.

3) They are machine washable.  (I have a set of stainless steel coasters. They get crumbs stuck in them and I have to clean them with special polish.  What a pain..not to mention embarrassing when I have guests.  Who wants to use someone else’s crumb laden coaster?)

4) They are homemade and therefore less expensive than almost anything you will find in a store.  Go HERE for a price comparison.

Thoughts On Making Gifts

I wish I were really good at making presents. I could save a lot of money this Christmas! It’s true, you will save money when making a gift. Just ask yourself a few questions before you embark on this project.

1) Will you actually finish the gift? Answer this question honestly!

2) Will the receiver really appreciate all your work?

3) Would YOU want to receive the gift you are making?

If you answer “yes” then, by all means, make your gifts! There’s just a couple of points I’d like to make clear.

1) >Sometimes it takes TIME for people to REALLY appreciate all of your hard work. I received the blanket pictured above when I was 12. My grandma made it for me. I liked it then, but I did not really appreciate it until much later in life.

2) Sometimes it takes TIME for people to get a clue. My maid-of-honor hand-wrote a ton of recipes for me when I got married. She also sewed an 2 aprons! It took me 3 years to really LOVE these gift due to the fact my husband did all of the cooking in our home. Things have recently changed. Now that I’m in the kitchen, I’m continually donning my apron and looking through my recipes.

3) Sometimes people will ask you how you made your gift
My sister soldered some mini-frames and inserted a few of my wedding pictures into them. She then attached ribbon so I could hang them on our Christmas tree. I am continually bugging and asking her to teach me how she did this!

*This blog reflects the opinion of the author. Please understand that all information or opinions gleaned from this blog are done so at your OWN risk*

Wrapping Christmas Presents and Cutting Costs

Face it. Tomorrow is the day after Halloween. Soon you will be bombarded with Christmas tunes decorations and holiday treats! I’m excited about it. I’ve already wrapped two gifts. I spent a lot of time wrapping those two presents. This is because I’m a firm believer in the fact that “packaging matters.” I’m always drawn to the cooler looking water bottles, prettier labeled lotions and tastier looking packaged foods, even when the product inside the package is EXACTLY the same. I’m pretty sure that this is true of Christmas gifts, too. Save some money by making your gift LOOK more expensive than it is!
Here’s My Quick Tip List

1) Use left over wrapping paper you bought ON SALE after Christmas 3 years ago.

2) Personalize the gift in your own unique way.
(I cut card-stock that matches the paper into a small tag. I then attach the letter of the person’s first or last name on that card. I punch a hole in the card stock and attach it to the ribbon.)

3) Present the gift!

*This blog reflects the opinion of the author. Please understand that all information or opinions gleaned from this blog are done so at your OWN risk*