50 Chores That Take 5 Minutes or Less

DSC02846I am a mother to an infant.  She doesn’t leave me much time for organizing and cleaning, so I’ve started relishing every 5 minute chunk of time she gives me.  It’s amazing what you can accomplish in under 5 minutes!!

1.  Empty the top rack of the dishwasher

2.  Empty the bottom rack of the dishwasher

3.  Sweep the kitchen floor

4.  Switch the laundry from the washer to dryer

5.  Clean a toilet

6.  Wipe down a bathroom sink

7.  Sweep a bathroom floor

8.  Iron a shirt

9.  Make your bed

10. Organize a small drawer

11. Wipe down the kitchen counters

12. Fill the dishwasher

13.  Wipe down 1 shelf in the refrigerator

14.  Shake out a small rug

15.  Dust/vacuum a flight of stairs ( I guess this could take longer than five minutes if you have a TON of stairs 🙂

16.  Dust a coffee table

17.  Vacuum an area rug

18.  Put five items away

19.  Start a load of wash

20.  Wipe down the stove top (obviously, your stove top can’t be completely crusty for this to take less than 5!)

21.  Dust a lamp

22.  Wipe the outside of your refrigerator

23.  Wipe the outside of your dishwasher

24.  Dust the top of your refrigerator (I did this the other day.  Wow.  I really need to do this more!)

25.  Wipe down 5 cupboard doors

26. Tuck the kitchen chairs in

27.  File  5 papers

28.  Dust 2 shelves on a bookcase

29.  Dust the baseboards in your bedroom

30.  Sweep your laundry room

31.  Switch out all of the hand towels in your bathrooms

32. Carry all the stuff piled at the bottom of the stairs up

33.  Wipe the outside of the microwave

34.  Wipe the inside of the microwave  (Use this tip if yours is really dirty!  It works)

35.  Dust the baseboard in a guest/child’s room

36.  Clean one shower wall every day.  I do this while showering by using a dish wand filled with vinegar and dawn.

37.  Wipe down the dining room table

38.  Dust the TV

39.  Take the trash out

40.  Put some of the shoes in the entryway in their proper closet

41.  Take the recycling out

42.  Put one item of clothing you haven’t worn for a year in a give-away pile

43.  Put all the remotes/coasters away

44. Put your hair styling products in their proper places

45. Dust your computer/printer

46. Find homes for some of your phone charger/ipad charger etc.

47. Throw away some old magazines

48. Empty the bathroom trash

49.  Fold as much laundry as you can!  Make it a game to see how much you can get done in 5 minutes

50.  Dust a light fixture

DIY Granite Countertop Cleaner

I love this cleaner.  It works GREAT.  It leaves no streaks.  I also this on my mirrors, stainless steel and oven top.  Make sure you test the product in an inconspicuous area before first use!  I found this recipe here.


1/2 cup rubbing alcohol

2 cups water

8 drops dish soap  (I have used Kirkland and Joy..both work fine)

Mix together and store in spray bottle for easy use!  I love using this on my mirrors.  It’s streak free when I wipe with an old newspaper.  I LOVE this cleaner.DSC02800

I Tried It: DIY Drawer Divider

My work out clothing has never been organized. It’s always bothered me. So, I tried Design Sponge’s DIY idea. I made my own dividers out of cardboard, except I didn’t measure because I don’t believe in using measuring tapes 🙂  Here are the directions, step by step:

1).  Hold cardboard over drawer and estimate wear you need to slice it (or your can measure if you REALLY want to), by slitting it with an exacto knife.  (Do this with all four pieces of cardboard)

2)  Cut a slot into the tops of the cardboard that will serve as your base.  Do the same to the cardboard that will help divide your drawers, except cut the slots into the bottoms of those.

3)  Fit all the pieces together and organize your drawers!!  Super easy!!


Slit cut with an exacto knife…believe me, it doesn’t have to be very exact!!




The finished product!


ahh…I can find stuff in my drawers!!


I would say this project was worth the effort! I even labeled the compartments when I finished. Now my husband can’t tell me he doesn’t know where my clothes go when we’re folding laundry!

Money Saved-At least $10. I own a couple of drawer dividers that cost $12 for a pair.

Make Your Own Drawer Divider

Yesterday, I gushed over pinterest. I know.  I’m way behind.  The world probably  realized how great the site was 5 years ago!

I did find a gem of a blog via pinterest, though.  I’m very excited because it includes a picture tutorial on how to make a drawer divider out of cardboard.  CARDBOARD!  I’ve drooled over drawer dividers for years.  NOW I can make my own for FREE!  Who knew?!?

Next week I’ll attempt (I’ve never been good at measuring!) to make these handy gadgets and post the results!  No more spending $6 per plastic ugly divider at Bed, Bath and Beyond and no more messy drawers.


I secretly dislike the lamp shades in my master bedroom. I know. This is a minor problem, but I think I may have found a solution. Pinterest. This site is CHALK-FULL of frugal yet creative ideas! Here are some other reasons I love this site:

1) There are inspirational ideas for EVERYTHING. Not only can I look up a pin on how to fix my drab lamp shades, I can learn how to organize the cans in my kitchen and make my own wall art.

2) There are so many DIY tutorial’s. (This is a frugal person’s dream!)

3) The site lead me to some other blogs I am in love with.

So, before you go buy a new lamp shade, light fixture, piece of art or etc…check out Pinterest. You may be able rig up something you like on your own and save a few benjamins while you are at it!

Follow Me on Pinterest

*I was not paid to write about Pinterest.  I just tried their site and really like it!

Old Nail Polish Uses

Do you fumble with your keys when trying to open your front door? Try this cheap trick. Color code your means of entry with nail polish. Now your keys can look as cute as your toes. Plus, you’ll find that darn house key so much faster!

Do you have left-over nail polish you don’t want to throw away, but don’t know what to do with it? Click HERE for some more nail polish tips.

Organization and Contact Lenses…

I wear disposable contacts. Throwing them out after two weeks of wear is a must. Over the past few months I’ve found myself scratching my head and asking myself, “Did I open this package 1 or 2 weeks ago?”  I’ve thought about keeping a little calendar in my make-up bag, but I came up with a better solution. Here it is.

1) Find a DRY ERASE pen.

2) Write the date you open the contacts on the corner of your mirror.

3) Make a dash EVERY time you wear them (see picture below).

4) Throw contacts out when your two weeks are completed (or per your doctor’s recommendation).

5) Simply erase the marks on the mirror and start over!

Due to this system, I no longer wear my contacts too long or throw them away too soon. This saves my eyes and my money!

I also write surprise notes to my husband, reminders and lists on my mirror! Just make sure you are using a DRY ERASE pen.

How To Hang A Sweater

I abhor ironing (click HERE for wrinkle releaser recipe).  I also do not like donning a sweater with funny bumps on the shoulders formed from plastic clothes hangers.  I needed a sweater storage solution. My sister came to the rescue and taught me how to hang my sweater correctly.   My fall fashion apparel is no longer wrinkly or sporting a shoulder goiter (my junior high friends always referred to the bump as a goiter…it stuck with me).  Hanging my sweaters correctly has increased their longevity which therefore decreases my clothing bills.  It’s a win-win situation.

1) Start by folding sweater in half

2) Place hanger under the arm as pictured

2) Place clothes hanger under the arm as pictured

3) Fold bottom half of sweater over the hanger

3) Fold bottom half of sweater over hanger

4) Do the same with the sleeves

5) Tuck sleeve under bottom portion of hanger

6) Hang and enjoy a wrinkle/goiter free sweater!

*My sister learned this technique from Rachel Coleman

Repurpose Your Furniture and Save

I have wanted a sideboard for my dining room for a long time. I’ve dreamed about this for three whole years, in fact! As a new bride, I had no PLACE to store any dishes, because I lived in a house with a shoe-box sized kitchen. I looked on-line. I thought about saving up for it, but in the end I could not even imagine spending that kind of money on a piece of furniture. So, I waited. Then we moved to a different state.

Now, I have a delightful regular size kitchen. I can no longer touch both walls with outstretched arms. I still wanted a side-board, though. So, I got creative.

The dresser pictured above is from one of my husband’s friends. Apparently, the friend wanted to throw it out. My hubby stepped in. Now, I have a side-board! Many people comment on this piece! I didn’t pay a DIME for it. Think about how much THAT saved me! Repurposing saved at least $600!

*This blog reflects the opinion of the author. Please understand that all information or opinions gleaned from this blog are done so at your OWN risk*

Organize Your Home and Save Money

Have you ever:

1) Forgot to pay a bill on time? (This will usually incur late fees)

2) Gone out to eat JUST because you didn’t plan ahead? (Eating outside the home costs more)

3) Lost a paycheck? (This is self-explanatory)

4) Bought an item because you can’t find the one you already own? (You’ve doubled the cost of that item)

5) Bought an item because you FORGOT you already owned one? (Ditto to what I said above)

6) Stayed up WAY too late paying bills because they were due the next day? (This is just plain stressful!)

You may want to think about organizing (or re-organizing) your home. I must admit that ALL of these scenarios have happened to me in the past. I am continually working on my organization skills so I’ll never have to face these problems in the future. HERE is a list of organization blogs…You can always check out books from your library regarding this topic!

*This blog reflects the opinion of the author. Please understand that all information or opinions gleaned from this blog are done so at your OWN risk*