DIY Cloth Baby Wipes


DIY baby wipes. So easy and will SAVE, SAVE, SAVE you money. I made these when I found out I was expecting and I’m glad I did because I like them better than disposables. They clean more efficiently and 8 million of them don’t come out of the dispenser when I want just ONE. (Have you ever tried to pull out JUST ONE disposable wipe?) I made about 50 wipes and it cost me a little less than $10. Here are the directions:

What you will need:
1) Flannel (I chose white because I didn’t want any dyes to bother my precious one’s bottom)
2) Thread
3) Sew Machine


1) Buy the flannel from a fabric store (I found mine at Wal-Mart on sale).
2) Wash and DRY the material. This is very important as the fabric will shrink.
3) Cut into 8 inch by 8 inch squares.
4) Zig-zag the edges (or use a pretty stitch if you like!)
5) You are DONE!!

I looked up baby-wipe recipes, but decided to use plain water. I didn’t feel comfortable adding essential oils, soaps or etc to a mixture I was going to be using on my child. That being said, water works GREAT.

I’m so glad I made these, especially when I see Target advertising that their wipes are “only $4.56 per 256 count.” I’ll likely be able to use these wipes through the diapering of this child and my future one(s), too!

DIY Granite Countertop Cleaner

I love this cleaner.  It works GREAT.  It leaves no streaks.  I also this on my mirrors, stainless steel and oven top.  Make sure you test the product in an inconspicuous area before first use!  I found this recipe here.


1/2 cup rubbing alcohol

2 cups water

8 drops dish soap  (I have used Kirkland and Joy..both work fine)

Mix together and store in spray bottle for easy use!  I love using this on my mirrors.  It’s streak free when I wipe with an old newspaper.  I LOVE this cleaner.DSC02800

Daily Shower Cleaner DIY


Hard water stains haunt my home.  I fight them in the bathroom by spraying this concoction all over the shower walls every time I shower.  It works great and it’s easy to make. Best of all, it’s much cheaper than the store bought version! I found the following recipe at I was skeptical, but once I tried it I fell in love. Here ya are, folks:

24 ounces of water
1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide
1/2 cup rubbing alcohol
2 tsp dishwashing liquid (original recipe calls for Dawn. I use whatever I have on hand)
2 tsp automatic dishwasher rinse

DIY Liquid Hand Soap

DSC02801The other day I happened upon this DIY liquid hand soap recipe. I decided it was worth a try! I followed all the instructions set up on this blog, but used Irish Spring Soap instead. It smells wonderful and works well. This DIY hand soap is also much cheaper than the kind you buy in the store!

A Little Motivation…

Sometimes my will to save money falters. Bad days tempt me to spend. How about you?

When my will power is starting to fail, I read posts by fellow bloggers who are also trying to squirrel some cash away. Their words usually inspire me to keep my credit card tucked in my wallet.

Enjoy. Hope these blogs motivate you!

Budgets are Sexy Their blog will make you think.

DottieDomestic-Her blog will inspire you to count the sheets of toilet paper you use. Wow!

How I Save Money.Net. I just found her blog today. Gotta love the clear skin tips, too.

Design Sponge This blogger really knows how to DIY! I love DIY because it can really save some dough.

I Tried It: DIY Drawer Divider

My work out clothing has never been organized. It’s always bothered me. So, I tried Design Sponge’s DIY idea. I made my own dividers out of cardboard, except I didn’t measure because I don’t believe in using measuring tapes 🙂  Here are the directions, step by step:

1).  Hold cardboard over drawer and estimate wear you need to slice it (or your can measure if you REALLY want to), by slitting it with an exacto knife.  (Do this with all four pieces of cardboard)

2)  Cut a slot into the tops of the cardboard that will serve as your base.  Do the same to the cardboard that will help divide your drawers, except cut the slots into the bottoms of those.

3)  Fit all the pieces together and organize your drawers!!  Super easy!!


Slit cut with an exacto knife…believe me, it doesn’t have to be very exact!!




The finished product!


ahh…I can find stuff in my drawers!!


I would say this project was worth the effort! I even labeled the compartments when I finished. Now my husband can’t tell me he doesn’t know where my clothes go when we’re folding laundry!

Money Saved-At least $10. I own a couple of drawer dividers that cost $12 for a pair.

Make Your Own Drawer Divider

Yesterday, I gushed over pinterest. I know.  I’m way behind.  The world probably  realized how great the site was 5 years ago!

I did find a gem of a blog via pinterest, though.  I’m very excited because it includes a picture tutorial on how to make a drawer divider out of cardboard.  CARDBOARD!  I’ve drooled over drawer dividers for years.  NOW I can make my own for FREE!  Who knew?!?

Next week I’ll attempt (I’ve never been good at measuring!) to make these handy gadgets and post the results!  No more spending $6 per plastic ugly divider at Bed, Bath and Beyond and no more messy drawers.

Keep Your Kitchen Towels ON the Rack With this Tip

We recently moved into a home with no towel racks in the kitchen. I used the bar on the oven door, but the towels constantly slipped off. It was driving me crazy! So, I thought of a solution!  I clipped my towel into place with a clothes pin!  Ta-Da!  I’m so glad I thought of this, because I was thinking about buying a towel rack from Bed, Bath and Beyond.  This is way cheaper and I don’t have to drill any holes in the wall!

Saving Money With Homemade Laundry Soap Detergent

This blog could not be complete without a recipe for homemade laundry soap detergent. I won’t pretend I was the clever one that came up with it, so here is a link to the source!

This is the recipe I use:

* 1 bar of shaved soap (you can use Ivory, Zote or Fels-Naptha). I use a cheese grater. My sister dumps the shavings into a food processor after she grates it. Whatever floats your boat.

* 1 cup Washing Soda

* 1 cup Borax

Thoroughly stir together for 5 minutes! Only 1 TBSP needed per load!

Making your own detergent is quick and painless. It also spares some benjamins. I think it cleans well, also.

According to the writer of this recipe, one will save $0.16 per load. See his calculations HERE. $0.16 per load doesn’t sound like a lot, but if you wash 2 loads a day you will save $116 over the course of a year. That’s like a new pair of boots!

Make Your Own Accent Throw Pillows

I believe in being thankful, but the past 3 years I struggled to like my living room furniture. I was tired of looking at mis-matched pillows my husband had accumulated before we met. So, I begged my mom for help. We went hunting for fabric and decided we could re-upholster 2 chairs and 5 pillows for about $45. I jumped at the chance. Now I have a living room that forever reminds me of my mom. We spent a lot of time working on it! Plus, I saved a ton of money by NOT buying pre-made pillows or chairs.

Don’t know how to sew a pillow? Go HERE

*This blog reflects the opinion of the author. Please understand that all information or opinions gleaned from this blog are done so at your OWN risk*